I've been busy trying to finish all of my Christmas gifts. Nathan wanted a primarily homemade season - so I've been cutting, glueing, painting - any thing crafty. I've even explored some new things - loving the diamond dust by Twinklets. I thought I would use todays post to show you pictures of my crafts - so far. I have a few more to go. On top of all that I'm planning my next class at Scrapbook Crossing - it will be a vellum class. Vellum is such a difficult paper to work with, but it can be a great paper to achieve beautiful effects. We'll be making a very versitile and easy luminaria. Watch their website for class dates and times.

This is a small journal that I made for a young girl. The background papers are from the Disney Pincess collection. The butterflies and flowers are Tim Coffey. The butterflies and flowers are littered on both covers.

This journal was made with an older young girl in mind. She has a very spiritual heart so I put Bible verses in the covers. There is a quilled dragonfly on the cover as well. I love quilling, but rarely have the patience for it.

This is a baby brag book for a friend of mine who is due to have her first grandchild this month. I painted the tin with Making Memories paint, and used rub ons for the words. The inner pages are bradded together to create a book that all she'll need to do is slide in pictures. I did not including journaling blocks on this one, though that was a nice touch on the last one. I've found that these make great baby gifts.

Ok, this blanket is my favorite so far of all the blankets. It's double sided fleece, but the red and black colors of Texas Tech are just wonderful. You might be able to tell from the photo's but these blankets are about 3 yards in length. I do this so that the average adult male can use them without feet sticking out the bottom. Keeps them from putting their cold feet on the women and keeps the draft out to keep womens feet warm. These two blankets are each crafted a little bit differently, depending on the materials used.

So far this holiday season I've completed:
19 Christmas Cards
24 Glass Ornaments
2 Journals
1 Tin
2 Blankets
And still going ....
Have a Merry Christmas!
Check you out! I'm impressed!