This is my first post - ever. I've decided that it's time to start a blog. People ask me what it's like to be a mom, and what it's like for other aspects of my life. There's just no way to answer any of those questions. The closest I've been able to come is a blog.
I titled this blog "Views from the Porch" because one of my favorite things to do is sit on the porch and look out over the hill country. Some days I'll read a magazine, others talk with my son about his day. It's so peaceful to take a few minutes and reflect on the world around you. I want to use this blog to share those thoughts as well as the various events in my life.
Just to bring you all up to date. I recently quit my job with Child Protective Services so I'm officially unemployed. It feels great! Since then I've applied to a teacher certification program and take classes at night. This has been a great opportunity and I can't wait to teach in a classroom. Last week I applied to Leander ISD, and am excited to hear back from them. This week I'll apply a few more places and see where that takes me. There are some great perks to this major life change. More money at less hours is a great perk. Getting to see my children every day after school is a true blessing. While I was with CPS 60 hour work weeks were not uncommon. I'm also decreasing my travel. At CPS I could be all over Texas on any given day, and Texas is not a small state. Before I started working at CPS I was directionally challenged. I couldn't read a map to save my life. Now I can get lost with the best of them, open up a map and find out exactly where I am and where I need to go. I've also had the opportunity to eat at all sorts of quaint restraunts in small towns. It's one of my favorite hobbies.
As you will see over time I have a lot of hobbies. I love to scrapbook, make cards, and sew. Any cute little crafty project works for me. I frequently go to Scrapbook Crossing and spend time creating. This past Sunday I even taught a class there. I only had one person attend the class, but we had a great time. It was a good friend of mine Teresa. We met through another friend, Leslie, and Teresa helped sell our first home and purchase our second home. She is an incredible realestate agent.
I also got my new stamps in from Wendi Special . She is a great person and stamper. The craft world is truly blessed to have her. I took a class of hers one day and was blown away at what a pure heart she has. I love to read her blog and see what kind of mischief she gets into with her friend Sunday. We used Wendi's stamps at Saturday's crop. We used the spider stamp for a Spiderella page that a mom was doing for Halloween last year, and Ann made something special for Sunday that I can't talk about. All I can say is that it was AWSOME!
This past weekend I got to spend some quality time with both my children. Zander is 3 and Alyssa is 5.5 months.

Zander has taken to imagination play lately and I have got to finish is Halloween costume soon. He'll need it for his school party this week. Last night he decided to be a dog. I'm not sure if he's chosen a dog because it's normal or because when anyone asks him what he's going to be for Halloween he says "Woody" and they automatically assume our family dog. Zander means Woody from Toy Story. Zander has been facinated with cowboys for the last 6 months. Right now we're in the argument about carying a toy gun with his costume. He says all cowboys carry a gun. We say that Woody doesn't so he doesn't need one. It's a good argument to have, but the parents will win - no gun. We've never allowed toy guns except water guns, and we're just not going to change things now.
Alyssa is starting to sit and grab at things which is a riot. Zander and I were eating chips yesterday and Alyssa felt the urge to grab the bag. I guess the blue reflective bag just caught her eye. Then when she grabbed it, the bag made that great crinkle sound. It was all over then. She grabbed that bag and we faught over it. Chips (Cool Ranch Daritos) went flying everywhere. Zander, wanting the chips, quickly sought them out from between the couch cushions and on my pants. The funny thing was that Zander thought he was stealing my chips so he was going quickly seeking and grabbing. Every now and then he would hold up these tiny pieces of chip, smile, and say "I got your chip" followed by popping it in his mouth. Alyssa was not happy that I took her new found toy and put it in the trash.
Zander was also pushing pieces of rice all over the glass table top last night at dinner so I told him he could wipe the table after dinner from now on. I think Nate thought I was kidding. Nate went for a run last night, part of his training to run Pikes Peak next summer. While he was gone Zander worked on finishing his dinner. Once dinner was done I gave Zander one of those cleaning wipes and had him clean the table. The only bad part to that was that he just pushed the food particles on the floor for the dog. We'll have to keep working on that. After that we went upstairs to watch 3-2-1 Penguines and Larry Boy. Quality children's programming. With no problems he then proceeded to take his bath, finished that so that he could watch a few minutes of Toy Story and went directly to bed. When Nate got home from his run the kids were amazingly in bed asleep and the house was not distroyed. It was very exciting. I'm thinking about doing a chore chart for Zander so that he gets everything done in a day that he's supposed to do. Zander thrives on order for some reason. I think he's the cleanest person in our family.
Gotta' go do somethings today. Study for class, make a vest and chaps for Zander, finish his class treats, anything else that strikes me as needing done. Who knows maybe I'll do another job application.
I titled this blog "Views from the Porch" because one of my favorite things to do is sit on the porch and look out over the hill country. Some days I'll read a magazine, others talk with my son about his day. It's so peaceful to take a few minutes and reflect on the world around you. I want to use this blog to share those thoughts as well as the various events in my life.
Just to bring you all up to date. I recently quit my job with Child Protective Services so I'm officially unemployed. It feels great! Since then I've applied to a teacher certification program and take classes at night. This has been a great opportunity and I can't wait to teach in a classroom. Last week I applied to Leander ISD, and am excited to hear back from them. This week I'll apply a few more places and see where that takes me. There are some great perks to this major life change. More money at less hours is a great perk. Getting to see my children every day after school is a true blessing. While I was with CPS 60 hour work weeks were not uncommon. I'm also decreasing my travel. At CPS I could be all over Texas on any given day, and Texas is not a small state. Before I started working at CPS I was directionally challenged. I couldn't read a map to save my life. Now I can get lost with the best of them, open up a map and find out exactly where I am and where I need to go. I've also had the opportunity to eat at all sorts of quaint restraunts in small towns. It's one of my favorite hobbies.
As you will see over time I have a lot of hobbies. I love to scrapbook, make cards, and sew. Any cute little crafty project works for me. I frequently go to Scrapbook Crossing and spend time creating. This past Sunday I even taught a class there. I only had one person attend the class, but we had a great time. It was a good friend of mine Teresa. We met through another friend, Leslie, and Teresa helped sell our first home and purchase our second home. She is an incredible realestate agent.
I also got my new stamps in from Wendi Special . She is a great person and stamper. The craft world is truly blessed to have her. I took a class of hers one day and was blown away at what a pure heart she has. I love to read her blog and see what kind of mischief she gets into with her friend Sunday. We used Wendi's stamps at Saturday's crop. We used the spider stamp for a Spiderella page that a mom was doing for Halloween last year, and Ann made something special for Sunday that I can't talk about. All I can say is that it was AWSOME!
This past weekend I got to spend some quality time with both my children. Zander is 3 and Alyssa is 5.5 months.

Zander has taken to imagination play lately and I have got to finish is Halloween costume soon. He'll need it for his school party this week. Last night he decided to be a dog. I'm not sure if he's chosen a dog because it's normal or because when anyone asks him what he's going to be for Halloween he says "Woody" and they automatically assume our family dog. Zander means Woody from Toy Story. Zander has been facinated with cowboys for the last 6 months. Right now we're in the argument about carying a toy gun with his costume. He says all cowboys carry a gun. We say that Woody doesn't so he doesn't need one. It's a good argument to have, but the parents will win - no gun. We've never allowed toy guns except water guns, and we're just not going to change things now.
Alyssa is starting to sit and grab at things which is a riot. Zander and I were eating chips yesterday and Alyssa felt the urge to grab the bag. I guess the blue reflective bag just caught her eye. Then when she grabbed it, the bag made that great crinkle sound. It was all over then. She grabbed that bag and we faught over it. Chips (Cool Ranch Daritos) went flying everywhere. Zander, wanting the chips, quickly sought them out from between the couch cushions and on my pants. The funny thing was that Zander thought he was stealing my chips so he was going quickly seeking and grabbing. Every now and then he would hold up these tiny pieces of chip, smile, and say "I got your chip" followed by popping it in his mouth. Alyssa was not happy that I took her new found toy and put it in the trash.
Zander was also pushing pieces of rice all over the glass table top last night at dinner so I told him he could wipe the table after dinner from now on. I think Nate thought I was kidding. Nate went for a run last night, part of his training to run Pikes Peak next summer. While he was gone Zander worked on finishing his dinner. Once dinner was done I gave Zander one of those cleaning wipes and had him clean the table. The only bad part to that was that he just pushed the food particles on the floor for the dog. We'll have to keep working on that. After that we went upstairs to watch 3-2-1 Penguines and Larry Boy. Quality children's programming. With no problems he then proceeded to take his bath, finished that so that he could watch a few minutes of Toy Story and went directly to bed. When Nate got home from his run the kids were amazingly in bed asleep and the house was not distroyed. It was very exciting. I'm thinking about doing a chore chart for Zander so that he gets everything done in a day that he's supposed to do. Zander thrives on order for some reason. I think he's the cleanest person in our family.
Gotta' go do somethings today. Study for class, make a vest and chaps for Zander, finish his class treats, anything else that strikes me as needing done. Who knows maybe I'll do another job application.
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Thank you for commenting. It makes me so happy! I'm not a widely read blog so I always wonder if anyone is reading or if I'm just talking to myself.