Last night was my regularly scheduled crop night at
Scrapbook Crossing. Love doing that, but will never be up to date on my scrapbooks. Last night I spent the entire time working on a gift for a new friend of mine, Angela. She's having her second baby and the shower is next week. Since I just had my second I was thinking about what was the one thing I wanted since we really didn't need baby things. What I remembered was all the time I spent putting together this small brag book for the photos. It was a strip of paper accordion folded with photo corners in it. Absolutely unappealing, but totally functional. I still carry it, but I take photo's out and show people instead of letting them see this nasty little thing. This spured me to make a little brag book for Angela that she can carry in the diaper bag or her purse. I decided that I wanted it to be encaesed in one of those CD tins that have been adopted into the scrapbooking world. When I looked at what Scrapbook Crossing had to offer there was this great rectangle tin that came with an accordion folded booklet inside. The tin could be painted, whatever your mind went with so that's what I went with. Here's what the tin looked like when I was done with it.

I painted the tin pink then cut out images from the paper I used inside and decopaged them to the tin. When the image was cut off on the paper I allowed that to be an edge piece giving dimension. I also took some of the larger pieces and allowed them to hang off the edge. I'm glad I decopaged since the paint scrapped off easily without that protective covering. One of the great things is the name plate. I got to use
Wendi's new bracket stamp and emboss it with the new Ultra Thick Green. LOVED IT! BTW - If you haven't checked Wendi's blog lately she's posted November's kit and it's great! Will need to get it as soon as it's avalible.
I then took the inside white paper and made a template. I then covered each page with paper that fit my theme. Tied coordinating ribbon around the bindings for frill, painted the edges bright pink for contrast and to cover the white space.

I also put little photo frames so that all she needs to do is slide the photos in, and journaling blocks so that she can just journal right there. I embellished with little phrase dots about babies and flowers. Quick and easy project!

Thought this was a great project part of my purpose was not met. I used the tin for easy storage and protection of the photos. As with most of my paper projects it got a little thick. So the lid doesn't go on (at all) and I'm having to secure it shut with ribbon. Looks cute, but I even reminded myself to watch for "lumpy bumpy" before I got started.
The other really funny thing is that I called Angela to find out the baby's name. She asked where I was, and when I told her I was at Scrapbook Crossing I could hear her mind trying to guess what I was up to. She sounded excited. I might have to find a diversionary tactict at the shower to totally confuse her. She asked if she could ask what I was working on and I told her no because I can't keep secrets. She said she's got the same problem. It's nice to have girlfriends.
Talking about girlfriends - I'm getting Karen back in town which is great, but I learned this morning at church that my friend Kendra is moving to San Antonio. I know it's only about a 2 hour drive, but it's still a bother. It just means girls trips to San Antonio!
Also I need to keep you posted on another little project I'm calling Paperpalooza. I have friends who want to get together and crop and friends that want to get together and card make. Now I don't know why, but the card makers don't want to go to a crop and the scrappers don't want to go to anything labled "card making" - hence the craft neutral term Paperpalooza. My plan is that we set up tables here at the house and make our crafts for several hours. Potluck of course and alcohol approved. It will be coming up qick so if any of you need to be kept in the loop let me know. Of course new friends are always welcome.
BTW - I did not get any of my pages done last night! UGH!!!!
What is with the card makers vs. scrappers? LOL