I am so excited to show you all my latest designs. These will be placed for sale on e-bay, so if you see something you like e-mail me and we'll see what we can do - while they last!

This is a blue tigers eye and shell necklace. It measures 17 inches long, I suggest this peice for a girl who's going to a pool side party for a touch of glam. The blue tigers eye stones are difficult to find so you'll be assured that no one will have the same necklace on. The dangle rests confortably on your sternum accentuating the decolate area exposed by a low cut shirt. What a flirty, but sofisticated peice!

This 21 inch neclace is simple, but elegant the alternating brown shell and black goldstone are mingled in with touches of silver. Though this peice appears to lack sparkle, the blue gold stone has flecks of gold throughout whick dance playfully in the sun light. Just something fun when your in a more conservative atmosphere, but want to let your playful side out. Great for wearing to work and then out for drinks. The silver rectangles have a nice swooping flower framed in them. giving another girly quality without being obvious.

This is the matching bracelette for the above necklace. You can really see the floral design of the silver rectangles in this photo.

As some of you may know - I am not a red girl, but I totally fel in love with these red glass cubes. They are sprinkled in with irridesant multifacited glass beeds and close with a playful heart clasp. Such a simple, but eligant peice. Measures 8 inches.

OOOOOOOH! Red coral and white shell for about 20.5 inches causing it to hang right along the colar bone. This is an amazing peice. Great for a summer night out, or for a Christmas formal. Thought this necklace is heavy in the hand it is extremely comfortable on. The weight is evenly distributed so as to not pull anywhere on you. You will be the bell of the ball with this necklace or it's sister peice below.

Red coral and black goldstone for 21.5 inches. I love how the gold fecks in the goldstone just draw your eye to the necklace. You would not believe how amazing they look on.

Ok all you crazy girls - here are the purses I promised.
This purse is made with red faux fur sprinkled with red shimmer fibers through out. The interior is a black satin concealing a matching pocket. The handles are black acrylic. 9 inches tall by 12 inches wide in the center. There is a stiff base to help hold the shape while you tote your favorite stuff in this fun and funky bag.
Want even crazier ....

I just had to do one with a beaded handle. This purse measures 9 inches tall by 12 inches wide in the center. This purse is made with red faux fur sprinkled with red shimmer fibers through out. The interior is a black satin concealing a matching pocket. The handles are black, clear and silver beads, with two silver heart shaped lockets dangling from each handle.
Want to go even more daring?

Try this all red version of the one above. This purse measures 9 inches tall by 12 inches wide in the center. This purse is made with red faux fur sprinkled with red shimmer fibers through out. The interior is a red satin concealing a matching pocket. The handles are red, clear and silver beads, with two silver heart shaped lockets dangling from each handle.
Just a note to leave you with - I'm working on a few more designs including matching earings for the coral necklaces.
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