Friday night we went to dinner at Marc and Julie's house and Leslie joined us as well. We missed Grant, but he's off doing the Army thing so we are very grateful for his service. It was such a great evening that none of us wanted it to end. Z and A loved playing with Marc and Julie's daughter L. On the way back I noticed that the discount theater was playing Race to Witch Mountain. That's was our inexpensive Family Fun activity for Saturday. It was a good movie and it was just great to spend time with the kids. After that we were discussing lunch options. The kids agreed that since it was Father's day Nate would get to pick, but they heavily hinted at Chuck E. Cheese. He caved and we spent almost 3 hours playing at Chuck E. Cheese (there blew my cheep day plan but it was worth it). Z loved earning ticket after tickets. A kept saying "I WIN!!!" We just had so much fun as a family there.
From there we came home for a nap. Nate had a photo shoot last night and his mom called to see if we wanted to do dinner. We decided to surprise him with a fathers day dinner. It turned out yummy! It was a concoction of mine that I could recreate, but not sure how to explain. I need to write these concoctions down some time. Any way the big hit of the evening was this raspberry balsamic dressing. Not only did it go great with the salad, but it went extremely well with the braschetta. Might do more of that tonight. Good part was that it was truly yummy, bad part is that we didn't finish the meal until almost 10pm - way past everyone's bed time!
Today we went to church where us parents have planned a coup against our children. We're going to meet in the pavilion next week instead of coming into the building. From there we're just going to get this whole gaggle of 4yo's to go to Sunday School together. They are such social creatures, but they love to be social during the service. We almost have a pew full of girls playing and snacking. Though us parents enjoy seeing them bond together I'm sure there are people there who would appreciate not having the distraction. Maybe we'll get our 7yo to go to Sunday School this summer as well. Right now he likes hanging out with the little kids.
After church we went to a new little place here in Leander for lunch. It's called Burger Central, and took over the Snack Shack building. The menu looks like part of the old Rail Yard Grill menu. All the items are named after train stuff. Your choices are hamburgers or chicken burgers of various types. Oh! and pretty much any desert you can concoct with Bluebell Ice Cream. They serve Coke products which I love! The burgers were HUGE and tasty! You will have to go. All of them come with either natural potato wedges or sweet potato fries. Saw an old friend while I was there. That just makes the place even better. Burger Central has only been open since Monday. It's on 183 in Leander just south of the Sonic. Look for the little yellow house across the street from the rail road tracks. I think it will be a great stop for those riding the train into Austin. They do have a breakfast menu that looks like it's geared toward the commuter.
The paint fairy did not make it this weekend, but maybe we'll help her out while we're home this week. VBS is only 8:30 - 11:30.
Free Family Fun planned for this week so far -
Monday 2pm Tarzan movie at Leander Public Library
Wednesday Noonish - picnic and splash at Brushy Creek Park
Join us if you can!
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