For the rest of the week I took kids to their activities. A went to GSLC which she loves. Z went to Camp Invention. If your kid has not had the opportunity and loves to problem solve, think WAY outside the box, etc. This is such the camp for them! Z LOVED it! He is going again in July and can't wait! He made friends, took things apart to put back together. It was craziness. I would pick him up at 3:30 and he would not stop talking! The pictures are from Crazy Hair day. He loved that just as much as finding the answers to the nightly questions. Of course A wanted her hair done as well and we're still washing out red paint.

While they were at camp this week I walked the Brushy Creek Trail in the morning. One morning Erin went with me. It was a great walk and it sprinkled on and off. Perfect for a Texas summer morning walk! After my walks the "paint fairy" came and worked on painting A's room. 1wall and half a closet are pretty much done. 3 walls and the other half the closet to go. We're in debates as to the color of the ceiling. A loves coming home to see what the paint fairy did that day. Z loves trying to convince her that the paint fairy is me. It gives us entertainment is all that matters.
VBS next week!
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