Sunday, June 01, 2008

NJHS Induction is here!!!!!

It's been a long few months, but it's here. Tomorrow we will be saying good-bye to our crew from this year and inducting in 133 new guys. Friday we had almost all of them together for a rehearsal in the cafeteria, and I will say it was a little overwhelming. I hope I don't panic tomorrow when I'm on stage as the fearless (hahahaha) leader. So a rundown because I'm still trying to wrap my ind around this whole process:
1. Get grade reports from district office
2. Send out invitiations to apply
3. Answer about a billion questions on what the letter means.
4. Explain the process to EVERYONE
5. Slowly get papers in from all over (Parent permission, 3 letters of recommendation, and an essay)
6. Accept the late papers because we're middle schoolers and we need a little grace occassionally. 7. Maintain a spreadsheet of all the activity going on
8. Read all the papers
9. Approve papers
10. Staff papers
11. Design the program
12. Order the certificates
13. Make sure current guys are still geting their stuff done
14. Design their certificates
15. Print their certificates
16. Get everyone's signature digitized for the certificates
17. Request the JROTC
18. Request the guest speaker
19. Order cake and punch
20. Don't forget to include the choir.
21. Print inductees certificates
22. Order trinkets
23. Issue reminders for paperwork
24. Call people for paperwork
25. Issue invitations of acceptance
26. Re-issue letters of aceptance whn they get lost on campus
27. Don't forget to make announcemts for both crews
28. Hold rehearsal
29. Handle the "odd occurances"
30. Get the flowers
31. Get the table cloths
32. Candles
33. Write the script
34. Pass out the script
35. Confirm administration participation
36. Get nails done
37. Get photographer
38. Make sure you have clean clothes
39. Teach the kids about what to wear.
40. Invite the staff
41. Remind the kids what they represent.
42. Continue teaching without missing a beat
43. Continue being a parent without missing a beat.
44. Celebrate the end of another successful year!
45. Did I forget anything?
46. Write the handbook for next year
47. Start planning out the calendar for next year
48. Make sure you have the kids contact info for over the summer
49. Plan the first sesion
50. Plan the first service project

3.5 classroom days - but who's counting?

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Thank you for commenting. It makes me so happy! I'm not a widely read blog so I always wonder if anyone is reading or if I'm just talking to myself.