So yesterday I made a dent in my sewing projects / stash. Still on the look out for a lot of back pockets. Found some jean scraps from an old project that Eileen is going to help me with. Can't wait to debut that project ;) Finished up 3 butterfly aprons. Thought through a few other projects that I'll get done soon. After getting the kids off to school for swim day, I had the most exciting thing happen! I steam cleaned the living room. It is beautiful!!!! I loved just watching the carpet come back to life! Went straight from there to starting a load of laundry. I think I'm going to go sort a bit more laundry and then sew some more. Despite our home always looking like a tornado hit it, I really do love a clean house with everything in its place. That's my goal this summer is to get things in their place.
I was proud of my self today. The neighbor had 4 beautiful kitchen chairs on the curb for trash day. OK so it looked like there was some dog chewing, but otherwise beautiful chairs. I thought about saving them from the landfill and restoring them. Basically what kept me back was that the neighbors were in their yard and I had to get the kids to school. If they were still there on my way home I would have stopped and saved them. I also let some wooden planters that were on the side of the road go instead of toting them home. It's just driving me nuts that people are placing beautiful things that just need a little love to be totally functional on the side of the road. Maybe Free Cycle should advertise more in our area.
Have a great summer day!
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