One of the issues I had with the shoot was lighting. It was to no ones fault, but it was there. I could list the reasons for it, but that would be a giant paragraph. When I was at my photographers group - I always want to call it photographers anonymous - one of the pro's showed this great shot in black and white. While people were talking about the shot I caught something under his breath that made feel better about lighting issued sessions. He said that he had turned the photo black and white because he had lighting issues that messed with the colors he was trying to achieve. Learning experience for me. It is OK to change the colors in photos to get the image you want. The other part is that even the pro's have off moments. I needed that permission because I'm such a perfectionist with my crafts.
There were a couple guest speakers at group this week too. Dr. Michael N. Roach and his wife Robbie Lacomb Roach were our speakers. Dr. Roach spoke about shooting with a passion. He said you'll know that passion when you feel sick if you miss a day shooting. Just something to keep in mind. His wife also spoke of some OCD type things she does in her photography. This is so me. There are some things that drive me nuts! So far I've worked with them, but my goal is to conqure them! It was such a lovely night looking at photos, eating great chili, and learning together. If you are a photographer I suggest you either find an existing group or build a group that can share and learn together.
Mrs. Roach is currently on display at the Alpha Omega Gallery in Austin Texas. Definite must see. Enjoy! We're off to see Santa! (Pics later)
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